Reporting and governance

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Ministerial statements of expectations aim to improve regulatory governance and performance. The statements articulate the Government's priorities and objectives for each of its regulators. Regulators report annually on actions to fulfil these expectations.

The development of each statement is a collaborative effort. Consultation takes place with each regulator to ensure the statements are fit for purpose and take into account the regulator's circumstances, including objectives, legislative basis, size of organisation, and current practices and processes.

Ministerial statement of expectations (PDF)

Game Management Authority response to statement of expectations (PDF)

The Game Management Authority Act (2014) requires the GMA to publish its approved Business Plan.

Game Management Authority Business Plan 2023-24

The GMA has a policy on responding to the offers of gifts, benefits and hospitality. GMA employees must not accept any gift that may bring the GMA’s integrity into disrepute.

In line with the Standing Directions 2018 under the Financial Management Act 1994 a subset of the GBH register is published here.

Date OfferedRecipientOfferEstimated or actual valueDonorDecision


Senior Management Team and Chairperson

Invitation to Annual Field and Game Australian Politicians Clay Target Shoot

$50 each

Field and Game Australia



Director, Compliance and Intelligence

2 hats from vendor


Director, Field Master Systems




Tickets to 2022 Australian Open


Minister for Agriculture


30/06/2021CEOInvitation to attend the 150th anniversary of RSPCA Victoria on 27 July 2021$0.00Honourable Linda Dessau AC, Governor of Victoria and Mr Anthony Howard AM QCDeclined
11/05/2021CEOTickets to 2021 AFL Medallion Club on 14 May 2021$790.00Minister for AgricultureAccepted
15/12/2020Administration OfficerTwo bottles of wine and two large trays of chocolates$100.00Excel PrintAccepted
29/10/2020ChairpersonInvitation to draw the Blond Bay Hog Deer ballot on 17th Dec 2019 at Warragul.$25Australian Deer AssociationAccepted

In July 2017, the Game Management Authority engaged Pegasus Economics to conduct an independent assessment of the effectiveness of GMA’s compliance and enforcement regime, the appropriateness of the operating model and the Authority’s capacity and capability to deliver its compliance and enforcement obligations.

The 2017 Pegasus Economics final report Assessment of the GMA’s Compliance and Enforcement Function” (Pegasus Report) PDF made 27 recommendations, 26 of which were supported in principle by the GMA Board.

The GMA has addressed all 26 recommendations of the Pegasus Report. Several of the recommendations relate to matters of resource management or policy that are outside GMA’s control. We continue to work closely with the responsible bodies.

2020 - Three year progress update.

Page last updated: 19 Mar 2024