Authorisations and permits

Under section 28A of the Wildlife Act 1975,  the Game Management Authority (GMA) may give written authorisation to a person to do all or any of the following-

  1. hunt, take or destroy game;
  2. buy, sell, acquire, receive, dispose of, keep, possess, control, breed, process, display, take samples from or experiment on game;
  3. mark game, handle game for the purpose of marking it and interfere with the markings on game

An authorisation may be granted if the GMA is satisfied that the authorisation is necessary:

  1. for the purposes of the management, conservation, protection or control of game or for the purposes of education about game, research into game or scientific or other study of game; or
  2. for aboriginal cultural purposes; or
  3. for the purposes of ensuring the health or safety of any person or class of persons; or
  4. to support a recognised wildlife management plan; or
  5. to make provision for the custody, care and management of game, held under another authorisation or a licence which has been suspended, during the period of that suspension.

Applications for authorisation must be made through the GMA’s online My Game Licence (MyGL) system and must include supporting documentation. See below for additional information which must be included with your application.

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Game is a highly-valued and sustainably managed resource, with frameworks already in place to allow their recreational harvest and management on private property. An authorisation to control or destroy game is not intended to replace the current management of recreational game hunting and will be assessed in this context. In addition, your application may be assessed by a Game Manager who may inspect the property to confirm the details set out in this application. Under the requirements of the Wildlife Act 1975, an Authority to Control or Destroy Game will only be issued if the GMA is satisfied that it is necessary.

If you are seeking to control or destroy game on Crown land, you must have the permission of the Crown land manager.

The Supplementary application for Authority to Control or Destroy Game form must be completed and attached to your online MyGL application.

To support the commercial hunting industry,  private property owners can apply for a specific authorisation to allow hunting of free-ranging wild Hog Deer on their property outside of the prescribed season.

Prior to being issued with authorisation, the property owner must provide a Hog Deer management plan and allow an onsite inspection. The property owner cannot charge for the deer, but they can charge for guiding fees, accommodation and access etc.

Where a private property owner accommodates more than five hunters outside of the regulated season, they are required to make a balloted position free for one member of the public.

Please read this document for more information: Increasing commercial opportunities to harvest Hog Deer on private land outside the prescribed hunting season.

Some organisations or individuals may need to conduct research on Victoria's game species. In accordance with the Wildlife Act 1975, an authority is required to take, destroy, possess, mark or handle game species. The GMA will assess the merits of each research application and grant a relevant permit where appropriate.

The Supplementary application to Conduct Research on Game form should be completed and attached to your online MyGL application.

Page last updated: 19 Jul 2024