Lake Wongan to reopen to duck hunting


Lake Wongan State Game Reserve near Streatham in western Victoria will soon reopen to duck hunting.

Lake Wongan State Game Reserve near Streatham in western Victoria will soon reopen to duck hunting.

The previously closed Lake Wongan will be reopened to duck hunting at 30 minutes before sunrise on Tuesday 31 May 2022 as recent monitoring has shown that the large number of Brolga (a threatened species) previously on the wetland have now left the site.

Game Management Authority acting CEO Paul Stevens said regularly monitoring Victoria’s wetlands helps to ensure that threatened species are protected and duck hunting remains sustainable.

“Officials monitor open and closed wetlands throughout the season. The hunting status of these wetlands may change if circumstances change,” Mr Stevens said.

“Occasionally, wetlands or parts of wetlands, may be closed to duck hunting or be further regulated to protect concentrations of rare or threatened species from disturbance or being mistakenly shot.”

“If the reason for the closure no longer exists, they may be reopened to hunting.”

“As always, hunters should be on the lookout for protected species and clearly identify their target before shooting.”

Victoria's 2022 duck season closes 30 minutes after sunset on Monday 13 June 2022.

GMA Game Officers, Victoria Police and other authorised officers from partner agencies will remain active throughout private and public land across the state for the remainder of the season to ensure people act in a safe and responsible manner.

For more information on the duck season and wetland closures, visit