Research reveals population and genetic trends in Gippsland Hog Deer


The Game Management Authority (GMA) has today released the 2023 abundance and population genetics of Hog Deer in Victoria report.

The Game Management Authority (GMA) has today released the 2023 abundance and population genetics of Hog Deer in Victoria report.

The report provides an estimate of the abundance and distribution of Hog Deer and investigates their population genetics to better understand the game species.

GMA Research Principal, Dr Jason Flesch, said the research was based on information gathered from trail cameras and Hog Deer tissue samples.

“To gather abundance and distribution data, remote infrared trail cameras were set at 153 sites throughout the Gippsland range, between Lower Tarwin and Point Hicks” Dr Flesch said.

“We also collected over 270 tissue samples from harvested Hog Deer taken to checking stations and from control operations conducted at Wilsons Promontory National Park.”

The data collected from the trail cameras was analysed, resulting in an estimated 4,252 Hog Deer in Victoria, with the highest abundance located on the Gippsland Plain (2,290 deer) and the highest densities at Wilsons Promontory (4.1 deer/km2). No Hog Deer were detected east of Lakes Entrance.

Analysis of the tissue samples showed three primary subpopulations of Hog Deer in Victoria, located at Wilsons Promontory, Sunday Island and the Gippsland Plain.

“The deer were found to have low genetic diversity, suggesting the population generally doesn’t travel long distances or spread into new areas readily. This means that the population may be susceptible to inbreeding, which would increase with over-harvesting, disease and habitat loss such as bushfires,” Dr Flesch said.

Information from this research will be used to help inform future management and ensure Hog Deer hunting remains sustainable in Victoria.

The report was produced by the GMA in collaboration with the Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research and is part of the Victorian Government’s Sustainable Hunting Action Plan 2021-24.

See a full copy of the 2023 abundance and population genetics of Hog deer in Victoria report.

Media contact: Nick Foster:, 0417 293 365