2021 Duck hunting season arrangements


Arrangements for the 2021 duck hunting season have been announced today including changes to the season length, start times, daily bag limit and hunted species in recognition of lower than average bird numbers and breeding.

Arrangements for the 2021 duck hunting season have been announced today including changes to the season length, start times, daily bag limit and hunted species in recognition of lower than average bird numbers and breeding.

The 2021 season will start on Wednesday 26 May 2021 and will last 20 days, closing 30 minutes after sunset on Monday 14 June 2021. Hunting start times will be delayed until 8:00 am for the first five days of the season from Wednesday 26 May to Sunday 30 May.

Hunters will be restricted to a daily bag limit of two birds and will be prohibited from hunting the Blue- winged Shoveler across Victoria, and both the Grey Teal and Chestnut Teal north of the Princes Highway/Freeway.

The restrictions on hunting Grey Teal are because of reduced numbers and breeding.

Given the similarity in appearance of the Grey Teal and the female Chestnut Teal, both species will be prohibited from being hunted north of the Princes Highway/Freeway. Chestnut Teal are more commonly found in coastal wetlands, south of the Princes Highway / Freeway, where they are permitted to be hunted.

The arrangements for the 2021 duck season are based on analysis of habitat and waterbird surveys conducted across eastern Australia and other data relating to game duck abundance, habitat distribution and climate.

The GMA and partner agencies, including Victoria Police, will be patrolling both public lands and private properties to ensure compliance with hunting, animal welfare and public safety laws.

As in previous years, the GMA will continue to monitor conditions in the lead up to and during the season. Where warranted, wetlands may be closed to hunting to protect concentrations of rare threatened species.

All licensed hunters must pass a Waterfowl Identification Test before being permitted to hunt ducks. Details of the 2021 duck season, including any wetland closures, will be regularly updated on the GMA website www.gma.vic.gov.au

2021 Victoria duck hunting season arrangements

Season length:

Season opens – Wednesday 26 May 2021

Season closes – 30 mins after sunset, Monday 14 June 2021

Start times from Wednesday 26 May – Sunday 30 May, inclusive:


Hunting times for the rest of the season:

Half an hour before sunrise to half an hour after sunset

Bag limit:

Two game ducks per day

Game duck species permitted to be taken in 2021:

Seven of the eight species of game duck can be

hunted during 2021. The game duck species that can be hunted are:

-     Pacific Black Duck

-     Chestnut Teal (south of Princes Highway/Freeway only)

-     Grey Teal (south of Princes Highway/Freeway only)

-     Hardhead

-     Australian Shelduck

-     Pink-eared Duck

-     Australian Wood Duck

Game duck species prohibited from being hunted in 2021:

Blue-winged Shoveler

Chestnut Teal (north of Princes

Highway/Freeway only)

Grey Teal (north of Princes Highway/Freeway only)

Hunters MUST:

Immediately retrieve all downed game ducks and salvage at least the breast meat of harvested ducks.

Media contact: Nick Foster   T: 03 8392 2237 | M: 0417 293 365